Monitoring Learner Progress
We are committed to providing a valuable and supportive learning experience for all learners, helping them achieve their career and learning objectives and make a positive contribution to society.
To support this commitment we operate a scheme that allows parents/carers access to their son’s/daughter’s/ward’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) via Parent/Carer Pro-Portal.
Access Parent/Carer Pro-Portal
You can access Parent/Carer Pro-Portal here:
If you experience any problems please contact IT Helpdesk on 01283 494444.
More information about Parent/Carer Pro-Portal
All learners at Burton and South Derbyshire College have an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which tracks their progress through their studies. The College aims to keep parents/carers up to date with their son/daughter/ward's progress throughout the year. Parent/Carer Pro-Portal allows you to access your son/daughter/ward’s ILP online, providing your son/daughter/ward has given permission for you to access their ILP. Through the portal you can see academic information, attendance and punctuality, SMART targets and half termly reports for each subject.
If you wish to access Pro-Portal please contact your son/daughter/ward’s tutor.