Our professionally qualified counsellor is here to help you. Learners can speak to the counselling service about any issues affecting their personal or College life in a confidential setting. The counselling service is free and is available at our learners at both the Town Centre Campus and the Construction Academy.
Why counselling?
It can help to talk with someone outside the situation with the professional skills and experience to help with emotional and psychological difficulties that are getting in the way of you enjoying life.
What kind of issues can it help with?
Counselling can help with issues such as anxiety, depression, relationship or family concerns, bereavement, worries about drugs and alcohol, eating difficulties, self-harming behaviours, physical or sexual abuse and work or study related problems. If you are not sure if counselling for you, you can contact our College counsellor, Osa Orchard by email or phone call to discuss any concerns or ask any questions you may have.
How confidential is counselling?
No information is disclosed without your consent, except very rarely. There is sometimes a legal obligation to disclose information where the counsellor believes that someone is at serious risk, but this would be discussed with you.
What do we offer?
Counselling assessment
At your first session, you and your counsellor will discuss the best way of helping you resolve your difficulties, which may be to suggest a specialist service, therapeutic group work or individual counselling.
Individual counselling
If you and the counsellor decide that individual counselling would be the best way of helping, you’ll be offered up to six 45-min to 1hour sessions. (Outside of your class time)