Burton and South Derbyshire College is committed to helping achieve equality for all students, staff and other College users, and aims to ensure that all students, whatever their background or ability, have the opportunity to benefit from excellent and inspirational educational opportunities.
Celebrating Difference
The College aims to become a fully inclusive organisation; eliminating discrimination, promoting equality and embracing diversity in all that we do.
We celebrate the rich variety of people who make up the College community, from different cultures and different ethnic backgrounds.
Single Equality Scheme
We are fully committed to actively promoting shared values that include equality, diversity and social inclusion. We achieve this through actively involving our community and valuing their contribution to the delivery of our Strategy, demonstrating care and respect for others and applying honesty and fairness in everything we do. Our commitment to equality, diversity and social inclusion is set out in our single equality scheme.
To view our Single Equality Scheme, go to our College Policies section.
IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism
Burton and South Derbyshire College is committed to building a diverse, inclusive environment to enable people to reach their potential free from prejudice. In response to the Secretary of State for Education’s request that we adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism, we can confirm that The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism has been adopted Burton and South Derbyshire College. Download the full statement via the College Policies section.
The following documents can also be downloaded in our College Policies section:
- Gender Pay Gap Report
- Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Annual Report
- Transgender Protocol